Thursday, May 21, 2009

The Last Exam !!!

Hi frnds...
Its me the lazy blogger again with another round of a long and monotonous blog of non -sensible writing...Well if you think so, then it's your problem and you are the one who should see a specialist.
Well jokes apart, the title of this post is somewhat rather mysterious, or should i say somewhat intriguing on my current status...Whether this is the last post of my it is not....The last exam in this context means...Read On....

Frnds, we all have faced exams at some point of our lives....Exams i mean those ones which are basically your passports to next level of the Game called EDUCATION....All my life i am going through these...and yet the game is not getting over yet....the worst part being that you cant get the help of CHEAT CODES in this game...even if you do be prepared to be thrown out of the Game altogether.. But just look at the way these level-qualifiers control our position in a bigger map called much so that one of my friends has already changed her name to her Orkut she's perfectly alright...her motive is only to let the world know that she's going through another level-qualifier !!! But she has actually added a 'surname' too which goes like this..."the Greatest Tormentor" this makes her full name EXAMS..THE GREATEST TORMENTOR..!!!

These are basically some of the most creative ways that todays people curse those great souls who created this sytem altogether... But just look at it this way, "Are'nt Exams the greatest tormentors."

Take my case for example...I have been taking exams all my life. I got into my first school in the year 1992 and now i just completed the 3rd year of my Law course in the University after another round of...u guessed it.....EXAMS !!! From 1992 to 2009 it's 17 years and 2 nos of big exams each year makes 2x17= 34 exams...a little figure, do you insist. Then add to it atleast 2 more sessional tests, some class tests and a sprinkle of other tests here and there.....apart from the two great hurdles called Board exams which greet you in your 10th and 12th year of schooling...then there are the Entrance tests, then you enter another level where you move through an ordeal every six months...I have moved through six semesters through all those seminars and internals and....but its still not over yet...coz i have 4 more to go...What then 'being educated' means...a qualifier of all exams..That's it.

But i am not complaining. I have become more accustomed to it now. It is just like you gain immunity against some diseases after getting continually infected..or atleast you can take the suffering much easily. But the most amazing part is that exams never fail to give that unique experience each time it comes...either in the form of a class test or a big sem-exam. That stomach-churning experience is every time the same thing...

Such was the experience in my last exam in the just concluded 6th Sem exams....the last one was scheduled 7 days after it's preceeding one...and thats when the trouble know you have to undergo yet another hurdle to cross over to that paradise called Summer Vacation...but there are still 7 days to that which seem like 7 years or should i say 70 years, no 700, neither it's like 7000... You start hating your course even more...3 days go like this...from the fourth day you gain enough strength to lift your book with a single hand and then you realise you have forgotten butterflies in the stomach...!! So you take up your pen and paper and start to write all that you can remember from your course (n.b: actually i study in this method only..i practise writing my answers, that keeps up the speed and also acts as an organser as to how you will be approaching five 15 mark questions)...And then there is yet anothet know that the last exam is your last chance to increase your average at least a bit more if one of your prior paper did'nt go to well...and there is the vast course material....finally after waking upto 2 in the preceeding night and waking up at 7 the next morning, you still are not satisfied...The codified provisions, the precedents of the Supreme Court and also the Privy Council and the American Supreme court..

The question paper was mercifully not that hard and now i pray that my answer script is impressive enough....


Bye !!!


Unknown said...

hi ved!
i think u got me can ''exams-the gr8est tormentor'' be my name? do i seem like an exam 2 pass or am i a tormentor in any way???
look buddy,its trendy in orkut 2 set ur status or ur mentality in orkut in place of ur name.many ppl do it.i think u havent noticed.
i wrote it not because i ''NAMED'' myself 2 'exams',but bcoz i think exams 2 b the gr8test of all 'tormentors' tormenting me now-a-days.
who ever will read it will nothing but laugh at me..and somewhere u felt it urslf n so u wrote ''no,no,she's allright''...
dost,i know u have d freedom 2 write anything in ur own blog,n i respect ur freedom.but my dear,u cud have been humbler n asked me before using my so-called orkut ''NAME''.i just wrote like that..n made me wonder ''y me only?''....
anyway,no hard feelings against u.have a nice time,dost.

Unknown said...

thik ache > debarati chali ye jaao> if someone misinterpretes ur statement then that,s the best treatment he or she deserves.... ved ur blog was not up to mark ,if it hurts somebody's sentiment> plz try to incorporate that, the next when ever u will write some thing on public forum

Ved said...

Thik hai...its alite...point taken...wont be repeated