Saturday, March 21, 2009

Back Again

Well Frnds. After mugging up two posts i think i m back to normalcy. I will soon resume with my cool persona.
Watch this space to read some exciting reviews of certain movies, books etc that have come to my vicinity in recent times.
Mind you i wont let you down this time.
Sorry for being rude un my last posts.....
Take very good care of yourselves !!!


My earlier post was a vent out of my emotions about my life which has somewhat lost all its finest glory. I am losing my vigour. I find somthing is missing all the time. I guess if i could hit on that, i would have been invincible. But that's never to happen with me.
Well may be for first time in my life i am feeling a bit downtrodden. And i dont know why? Even the crap-grades in the High School exams didnt bother me......i had always been more of a fighter. But that spirit is leaving me now. And i have no other options left. Or so i think.....
Well may be.....
But life is not that bad at all....
Thankfully the net provides you enough options to unwind yourself...there's Orkut and there's Youtube.
And i also read the book called THE WHITE TIGER.....and watched SLUMDOG 5 times- enough
of feel-good stuff to lift your spirits....but still life seems to play strange games on the living...
If the 'frustoo' thing is getting an extension to this post too... then i m sorry...just cant help it....i am stressed out and i am writing all this to remove this stress.... i know this post is not a diary but i dont mind........

The thing is that we expect to happen from a single lifetime...but other plans are awaiting their execution upon planning is perhaps the worst of sins......

Well, i dont mind whether you like this post or not. Coz its this one single time when i am writing for myself and its hardly got to be meaningful....i do not want to convey any messages....i do not want anyone to listen..... If you understand me you will get this post too..... and most some readers close to me may perhaps know why i wrote this one.............

Life is Busy

Frnds. Its some minutes left to one a.m of 22nd of March, 2009. That is to say that its the intervening night between 21st and 22nd March. This could be the best possible time for dedicated bloggers who never fail to write up their virtual spaces. But frnds the word is DEDICATION. And its one thing you guys won't find in miles radius of this blog. My blog still remains an unkempt one and i remain the laziest of bloggers....
But this time i am not giving any reasons of any silly nature. The main thing that is discouraging me from writing is that one I-word. Its 'inspiration'. But still my efforts are on.
And another thing is that, i had been busy these days doing a whole lot of things....had to write internal tests (which are curiosly not going well) and preparing assignments..... So this post is more of a escapism for me......i am venting out my frustoo here.....and looking for some fresh air here....
However the days are not as bad.....
But i think a total rescheduling may help me in this regard......but i dont know where to start from...
Its not the exams that are screwing me up...
There are a whole lot of other issues.....
Well i think that's enough of it....a massive revolution is about to come in the life of yours' truly.
Till then WISH ME LUCK !!!